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6 criteria you need to check for before signing up for an NLP Practitioner Certification?
1. Is it internationally valid?Did you verify it from other sources? Does it run for atleast 7 days? Coz some have stolen International logo and are running good business and run it for 5 days and call it a Practitioner. Some are internationally tied up with many other NLP Trainers worldwide, but they won't give you your certificate from a recognized Body. Ask me.
2. Are they teaching you all the models like the Meta Modalities,Meta Model,Meta States,Metaprograms,Modeling or timelines etc? Most don't.
3. Is there an assessment at the end of the certification or are they just handing you the certificate? Nope.
4. Are they training you on the Core Coaching essentials,tools and skills to make you a well trained Practitioner? Most don't.
5. Are they allowing you to takes notes and giving you a well designed Manual? Coz some don't. 
6. Are they mixing NLP with concepts like The Law of Attraction,Pseudo Science and other non related and non scientific models? Coz many do.

You can contact the Trainer for a SPECIAL discount if you've received advertisement from the Trainer directly, at or call +91-9986149749. 


Are you the right person to attend this course? If you can YES to all than can call us.

  1. Are you a "maybe" person or does your Yes means yes and no means no?

  2. Are you comfortable working one on one with people? 

  3. Are you willing to be open to feedback from the Trainer and also from co-participants 100%?

  4. Will you be able to handle you co-participants' emotions and respect their preferences and map of the world?

  5. Are you willing to trust your co-participants to see your emotional side?

  6. Are you willing to give 100% dedication to practice in all seriousness the tools and techniques you will learn?

  7. Can you be punctual and on time for all sessions? 

  8. Are you committed to continuous improvement for yourself post the certification 100%?

  9. Can you take atleast 5-6 working day off to invest in upgrading your skills? If not, you're probably deluded to think so!

  10. Can you afford the course or pay off in 3 EMIs? Every certification I took was about 80-100% of my income. Sometime it was borrowed and in EMIs. 


Can you answer YES to all of these objectives? If Yes, you may call us.

  1. Do you believe in investing in yourself/your team/your organization?

  2. Are you looking to upgrade your skills to have an advantage in this competitive world?

  3. Do you want breakthroughs in your personal, relationship, health, career,business, spirituality etc?

  4. Are you one who will do anything to make things happen if they really want it? 

  5. Do you want to improve your communication skills to the highest level?

  6. Do you want to improve your Self Awareness and understanding of why people behave the way they do?

  7. Do you want to improve leadership skills through the art of coaching that could help you assume higher responsibilities? 

  8. Do you want to get unstucked in certain areas you've been trying to get out off?

  9. Do you want to be able to have tools to help you achieve your goals and purpose in life?

  10. Would you like to have tools that help you reach your goals faster? 

  11. Do you want an Internationally certified course that can help you achieve that?


The reason why In-N-Out Burger came in the top 10 of the best places to work inspite of their modest pay is 

because of their strong emphasis on development. As an organization goes through turbulent times in this VUCA

world, we need employees with robust mindset,resilient, optimistic and people who can lead themselves and the 

team they lead without getting dragged down by stress, deadlines,environment factors but are able to own 

responsibilities for their mistakes and are able to be highly emotionally highly intelligent. 


  • Practitioners of NLP are more preferred in the training industry than ones who have none.

  • Practitioners of NLP has more career upgradation chances and to earn better than others.

  • By having Coaching skills, Practitioners are likely to be hired as Coaches and paid more.

  • By having Coaching skills, Practitioners demonstrates leadership abilities and are recognized in their organizations.

  • Practitioners of NLP have better solutions to their marriages, growing their businesses and their overall health.

  • Practitioners of NLP have tools to contribute to people around them who are badly in need of help.

  • Practitioners become better parents,spouse,leaders, businessman, as they relate to others better and know their needs.

  • Practitioners have better resilience to go through crisis of any kind and come out stronger.

  • Practitioners as coaches are an asset to their company as they reduce attrition based on the coaching skills and ongoing dialogues with their employees for their performance appraisals.



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