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Time to let go of your excuses: the Art of getting things done.


The greatest threat to humanity in achieving their highest potential does not come from the external. The greatest threat is his or her excuses. Every time you have a dream, a wish, a desire to do something what stops you is nothing more than excuses. Excuses are lies wrapped up in reasons- I don't have the time, I don't have the money, I don't think he's ever gonna love me, I don't think am gonna ever reach my targets, I don't think he/she is ever gonna change his/her mind about this, I give up etc etc. And yet you give up when you listen to those inner unconscious programming of excuses. Little demons leashing you to mediocrity and unadventurous lifestyle.


If you wanna step out of the ruts of excuses, you've gotta take a leap of faith for yourself. You eyes must be fixed to the goal-the destination and not on your present circumstances or handicaps or whatever in-capabilities that you believe are real. Those are real to 90% of the population and we are prone to the programming; that when we're going through our worse phase of life, striving to achieve this new goal seems next to impossible. We fall for the lies which are excuses well wrapped up to make you focus only on your pitiful condition and circumstances and prohibiting you from accessing your execution power.


Yes we fall, we make repeated mistakes, we go bankrupt financially,spiritually, mentally,physically and emotionally too but is that the story you want to tell yourself; that you are your present circumstances because they appear so real and painful. Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear creeps in when we start believing the lies of our present circumstances no matter how real it seems. You are more than your present circumstances or challenges that you might be facing on a day to day basis. But if you garner up your inner strength and tap into your divinity, that you're born to sail through all weathers; and that they are just part of our life's training, you will become bold, courageous, confident, calm, relaxed, enterprising even in the midst of calamity and assault.


This is why it's so important to learn how to run our own brain, become conscious of how we program beliefs, excuses, into our mental map, so that we can consciously learn when these virus thoughts are trying to creep inside our mind. Neuro Linguistic Programming gives us the cutting edge technology to become aware of how our 5 senses chooses information and how language plays a role in our mind mapping, and how it gets programmed into our neurology. When you assess your current challenging circumstances, your flight or fight mode gets activated, but most of the times our fight mode has been damaged due to the years of programming from bad experiences and bad education. You begin using the language like, " I can't, I might, I'll try, maybe, later, tomorrow" etc and that becomes your operating method.


If you're a Manager or Leader with people telling you, we've tried this before and it doesn't work, or a salesperson where someone seem to have decline your offer, or a Coach who thinks I can't grow my business, or someone who's in a relationship who thinks this ain't gonna work or someone trying to loose weight thinking this is impossible, I can't meet the deadline, I ain't got the time etc. THINK AGAIN. Think about the thoughts you just thought, think about the excuses you just made.


Is that really true, is there no scope for improvement, is there no other way, is there no way of leveling up, is that the way you want things to remain? What about the goals? Are you not up for the external game of making things happen. When you entertain excuses, you're saying,"Hold on my dreams, my visions, my values, my goals", you guys can wait, you ain't that urgent and important to me, my excuses need me right now and there goes your chance to take a step closer to your destiny.

You will have legitimate constraints and that's where your excuses will derive its power. Excuses are usually filled with good motives and intention trying to save you present pain and displeasure. It's your unconscious trying to safeguard you in the safety zone. Neuro Semantics NLP teaches you that you can win fight consciously over your unconscious if the outcomes it wants tries to sabotage your dreams. The only way to do it is by becoming aware of the consequences excuses have on you and by becoming motivated to move away from your current circumstances, and refusing to negotiate with your excuses. You need to say NO to your excuses and excuse your excuses so that you can move forward to a life of faith, adventure, hope, thrill and enjoying the state of making things happen. Till next time.

To your highest potential and vitality!

Author: Romeo Haokip is one of the Leading Neuro Semantics expert in the country and comes from a background of cognitive behavioral psychology, understanding of the spirit world, and systemic well being of the spirit, soul and body. He is a Coach, Teacher, Counselor, Speaker, Trainer and a trained Leader of leaders.

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